Lost Title Application No. 2461523
Public Notice
28 December, 2023
Lost Title Application No. 2461523
Office of Titles
Notice Pursuant to Section 82 of the Registration of Titles Act (RTA)
WHEREAS the applicant(s) in the above stated application has/have declared that the following duplicate Certificate of Title has been lost, I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend to cancel the said Certificate of Title and issue a new one in duplicate fourteen days after the last publication of this advertisement
Volume: 1304
Folio: 107
Lot: 93 Block E (South)
Place: Part of Succaba Pen
Parish: St. Catherine
Registered Proprietor(s): Andrea Shelly-Ann King
The following transactions lodged with this application will be registered pursuant to Section 81 of the RTA.
Transfer 2461521
L. Dunbar
Deputy Register of Titles
Andrea King
Bowie, MD