Save the dates: Hear from candidates in special election


Photo: Edmond Dantès

For those distracted by the recent blast of snow and bracing for arctic inauguration weather, this is a nudge to prepare now for the fast-approaching special election March. 4.   

Save the dates for candidate forums, and don't forget to register to vote. Prince George's County residents will be voting on two races, county executive and County Council District 5. 

County executive: Now that Angela Alsobrooks has resigned from the county's top spot to take her seat in history as Maryland's first Black U.S. senator, the race is on for the next Prince George's County executive. Twelve candidates are seeking to take the helm. 

County Council District 5: At the same time, there is a special election in County Council District 5 where seven candidates are vying for that seat.

Key dates: Early voting in the special election primary runs from Feb. 26 to March 3, and election day is March 4. The winners of the primary races will run in the general special election June 3.

Candidate forums: Leading up to the primary special election, several candidate forums and meet and greets have been planned across the county. Watch a replay or attend in person:

Voter guide: The Bowie Sun and Streetcar Suburbs News plan to jointly release a voters guide soon to help residents make an informed decision in the upcoming special election.  

Voting plan:Remember to have a voting game plan. Register to vote, request a ballot or find your polling place and, of course, do your candidate research. For more information, go to the state board of elections website or

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