Q&A: District 2 Candidate Lisa Martin on the environment and development


Photo courtesy of the Lisa Martin campaign

Bowie City Council Candidate: Lisa Martin

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 57

Occupation: Crisis Intervention Resource

Bachelor and Master of Science, Counseling
Master of Arts, Teaching

Years lived in Bowie: 18 years in Buckingham section

Campaign website:

Candidate’s email:

Current or previous elected office, if any: None

Which seat are you running for on the Bowie City Council? District 2

Endorsements from environmental leaders, if any: None

What is your stance on accepting donations from developers? Have you received developer campaign donations for this or previous campaigns? 

I vehemently believe that to accept donations from developers would prejudice an elected official’s decisions on development. Therefore, I frown upon entertaining and accepting developer donations in any elected position. I have never, nor will I ever accept donations from developers. I represent the citizens of my district and their interests only.

What are your plans, if any, to address concerns about overdevelopment in the Bowie area

Unfortunately, I cannot stop the development that has already been approved and in the process of development. However, any proposed future development will be critically reviewed to determine whether it is advantageous to our residents. I fully understand the need for development; however, this can be attained by renovating existing structures without destroying the natural environment.

Do you believe climate change is real and if so, what climate change issues, if any, are you planning to tackle while on the Bowie City Council? 

Climate change is DEFINITELY real and EXTREMELY problematic for our environment. Sustainable natural energy, rain barrel systems for gardening and lawn care, and solar heating and cooling would drastically slow down the harmful effects of climate change. I would like to introduce a resident incentive for electric car use and the approval and installation of resident charging stations on residentially owned property. This would have a great impact on reducing carbon emissions from the increased traffic due to overdevelopment of the City of Bowie.

After reading the Bowie Climate Action Plan, how would you work to implement it if elected? 

I would work to create an incentive for homeowners by way of tax credits to install individual residential charging stations that utilize solar energy and that compensate for the increased usage. I would definitely vote against any further mass community developments as this is directly contrary to the Climate Action Plan by destroying the natural tree canopy and natural ecological system here in the City of Bowie.

If elected, how will you ensure that funds are allocated to the city’s environmental initiatives? 

Allocation of funds should be a matter of public debate and notification. I will always vote against any use of funds allocated to environmental initiatives and work directly with other members of the Council to do the same.

If elected, how will you ensure that funds are allocated to the city’s environmental initiatives? 

Allocation of funds should be a matter of public debate and notification.

With the rise of inflation, what are your long-term plans to reduce home energy costs

With homeowner tax reduction incentives for solar energy, this will aid in the reduction of home energy costs in the long-term.

What role, if any, do schools, businesses and homeowners play in protecting the environment locally

All three have a direct impact on the environment. Local school systems must invest in electric buses to reduce fuel emissions, increase curriculum in the schools that focus on plantable food sources, business use of solar energy (not burnable heat sources that have high emissions), and homeowner use of electric vehicles with in-home charging stations.

Replay Candidates Forum:
Candidates Forum at St. Matthews (Bowie TV)
Candidates Forum at Kenhill (Bowie TV)

More information:
City of Bowie Elections, Candidates and Polling Places
City of Bowie Climate Action Plan
City of Bowie Development Projects

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